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create a python notebook, based on the bash users course notebook

Felix Oertel requested to merge python-users-material into main

Hi @k204229 and @k202196,

I translated the user course notebook from the first day of the workshop to python, using the equivalent commands from the Freva python module. I also changed the text in many parts to reflect those changes, as the Python commands do not translate 1-to-1 from the cli ones. Feel free to test the notebook and let me know if you encounter any issues, or if I missed anything.

I removed the section on the REST API in the Python notebook, as I thought that this part would be less interesting to Python users, who already have the Freva Python library available to use all of Freva's features. If you think it should be added back however, let me know.

Looking forward to receiving your feedback!

Merge request reports
