Start freva service only AFTER docker is up
- Dec 03, 2021
antarcticrainforest authored86b14661
antarcticrainforest authored89444f68
We've witnessed some hiccups with the systemd service of the freva sorl/vaul/db containers.
Initially, I've told systemd that the freva service wants
the docker service. Which is somewhat weaker than the requires
flag. Meaning if docker fails the freva service will shutdown when the requires
flag is enabled. The wants
flag on the other hand would have no effect in this situation.
The original problem was that both the freva and the docker service were started at once and since the freva service was faster than docker it failed. Hence I've also told the service to attempt the start of the service after docker was started.
@k204229 it's just very few changes but I think it's a good idea to become familiar with the handling of the services ... that is systemd