1;community;The scientific community, research infrastructure, project or data provider who provides the (meta)data (occurence: 1). The name of the community is chosen by the metadata provider. This metadata element is generated by the EUDAT services.
2;title;A name or title by which a resource is known (occurrences: 1-n).
3;description;All additional information that does not fit in any of the other categories (occurrence: 0-n). May be used for technical information. Could be an abstract, a summary or a table of content. It is good practice to supply a description.
4;keywords;Subject(s), keyword(s), classification code(s), or key phrase(s) describing the resource (occurrences: 0-n). Try to use keyword thesauri from community-specific vocabularies.
5;identifier;A unique string that identifies the resource, ideally persistent (occurrences: 1-n). To supply alternate identifiers, repeat this property. Use attributes for defining the identifier type, e.g. "DOI", 'Handle', 'URL' or other types.
6;relatedIdentifier;Identifier(s) of related resources (occurrence: 0-n).
7;creator;The main researcher(s) involved working on the data, or the author(s) of the publication in priority order (occurrence: 0-n). May be a corporate/institutional or personal name. To supply multiple creators, repeat this property.
8;language;The language(s) of the resource (occurrences: 0-n).
9;contact;A reference to contact information for this resource (occurrences: 0-n).
10;rights;Any rights information for this resource (occurrences: 0-n). The property may be repeated to record complex rights characteristics.
11;resourceType;The type(s) of the resource (occurrence: 0-n). Free text values allowed.
12;format;Technical format of the resource. Use file extension or MIME type where possible (occurrence: 0-n).
13;size;Size information about the resource (occurrence: 0-n).
14;version;Version information about the resource (occurrence: 0-1).
15;fundingReference;Information about financial support (funding) for the resource (occurrences: 0-n).
16;discipline;The research discipline(s) the resource can be categorized in (occurrence: 0-n).
17;spatialCoverage;Spatial region or named place where the data was gathered or which the data is about (occurrence: 0-n). EUDAT Core offers the following possibilities to display geographical information: geoLocationPlace, geoLocationPoint, geoLocationBox, geoLocationPolygon.
17.1;geoLocationPlace;Description or name of a geographic location. Free text.
17.2;geoLocationPoint;A point contains a single latitude-longitude pair.
17.3;geoLocationBox;A box contains two white space separated latitude-longitude pairs, with each pair separated by whitespace. The first pair is the lower corner, the second is the upper corner.
17.4;geoLocationPolygon;A drawn polygon area, defined by a set of points and lines connecting the points in a closed chain.