Explore projects
This repo has been designed to be used as a latex template for creating the yearly interim reports for the ongoing projects of DA department
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Data Analysis Pipelines for processing and visualizing nwp / climate data output.
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Postprocessing, Diagnostic Analysis and Jupyter Notebook visualisation
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Process climate model output data for usage as input of impact model studies.
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This plugin creates animations of given variables within netCDF files. The use can choose map projection, color map, min max values etc.
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Mathis Rosenhauer / libaec
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseAdaptive Entropy Coding library
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ch1187 / plugins4freva / time-averager
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0This freva plugin creates temporal averages of geospatial data.
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Aquire multiple stacktraces from SLURM job with as little effort as necessary.
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Repository for exploring hybrid cubic sphereical Bernstein Bézier patches https://doi.org/10.1016/0377-0427(96)00041-6
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freva / plugins4freva / plugintemplate
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Start your plugin development with this template. This template provides the infrastructure needed to convert your data analysis code into a freva plugin in just a few steps.