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  • Jan-Willem Blokland's avatar
    Bugfix/cmake (#16) · 05a3192d
    Jan-Willem Blokland authored
    * CMake: (fix) Changed names of the resulting config files.
    Changed the name LibaecTargets.cmake, LibaecConfig.cmake and
    LibaecConfigVersion.cmake to libaecTargets.cmake, libaecConfig.cmake
    and libaecConfigVersion.cmake such that these files can be found
    by cmake on a Linux machine.
    * CMake: (feature) Better integration with HDF5.
    - Changed the build such that always a static and shared library
      with be built.
    - Rewritten CMake config files such that
      - One can select the shared or static library.
      - Set several libaec variables such one can, for example,
        check if the libaec library is found.
      - Set several Szip variables for the same reason as for
        setting the libaec variables. This is useful for a better
        integration with HDF5 when building HDF5 from scratch.